This book brings together the work of more than 25 scholars from different parts of the world who analyze the challenges posed by the new coronavirus and how it can transform the lives of the citie…
This book is about skateboard video and experimental ways of thinking about cities. It makes a provocative argument to consider skate video as an archive of the city from below. Here ‘below’ ha…
This book takes a critical look at the role of language in an increasingly diversified and globalised world, using the new framework of 'sociolinguistics of globalisation' to draw together research…
This book explores the role of place names in the formation and maintenance of individual and group identities in multilingual and multi-ethnic situations. Using examples from Austria and Czechia a…
This book’s point of departure rests on the premises that dimensions of the mainstream inclusive city discourse fail to capture in detail vulnerable clusters of society (being women, children, an…
This book asks what kind of impacts innovations and technology have on subjective well-being and happiness. It presents the state of the art both in terms of results and theoretical questioning on …
This book focuses on language and identity online within the context of running from an interdisciplinary perspective. It brings together digital ethnography, existential phenomenology, interpretat…
The book introduces the concept of encounter CONNECT-ED from the practice of working with the elderly to impart media skills and presents empirical data on the social participation and quality of l…
This book is an ethnography of urban-to-urban migration and its role in middle-class formation in Ethiopia. Through an examination of the intersections and tensions between physical movement and so…
This book presents the first in-depth academic investigation published in English about one of the most radical incarnations of the current global wave of new right-wing movements and governments: …
This book describes three years of work by the Culture and Communities Mapping Project, a research project based in Edinburgh that uses maps as an object of study and also a means to facilitate res…
This textbook examines interaction, reciprocity, dualism, conflict, and personality in the work of Georg Simmel. These themes, which made Simmel the founder of relational sociology, are presented u…
This book explores the influence of geographical isolation and peripherality on the functioning of music industries and scenes which operate within and from such locales. As is explored, these site…
This book examines the landscape of sustained investment in research and innovation in Africa, which are critical for development. This cutting-edge analysis is based on empirical evidence and the …
This book looks at how Australia's migrant population composition is likely to change over coming decades. The book divides Australia's population into 48 countries of birth groupings and projects …
This open access book seeks to understand how politics is being made in a pluralistic sense, and explores how these political struggles are challenging and transforming gender, sexuality, and colon…
This edited volume addresses how single mothers and fathers are represented in novels, self-help literature, daily newspapers, film and television, as well as within their own narratives in intervi…
Stemming from four years of ethnographic research, media analysis of over 750 national news articles published in the 2010s, and decades of the author’s professional and personal immersion in the…
This present book examines some of the key features of the interplay between legal history, authoritarian rule and political transitions in Brazil and other countries from the end of 20th Century u…
This book discusses Stuart Hall's unique contribution to criminology. It suggests that this is captured best in Hall’s commitment to understanding a given historical moment, or conjuncture, in it…
This book analyzes and discusses the sovereignty of the Nansha Islands, combining legal and historical perspectives, traditional international law theories, and empirical studies based on an extens…
This book offers in-depth legal and political analysis concerning the compatibility of the Westphalian state model with globalization and the digital revolution. It explores the concept of democrac…
Inspired by the works of Professor Marcelo Neves, in this book colleagues come together to explore how their research has been influenced by non-European and post-colonial approaches. With a forewo…
International Law is usually considered, at least initially, to be a unitary legal order that is not subject to different national approaches. Ex definition it should be an order that transcends…
This open access book provides the first-ever comparative study on criminal policy concerning the illicit trade of tobacco, conducted among four comparatively new EU Member States (Lithuania, Polan…
This open access volume of the AIDA Europe Research Series on Insurance Law and Regulation offers the first comprehensive legal and regulatory analysis of the Insurance Distribution Directive (IDD)…
This book examines the challenges of the implementation of Islamic law in Malaysia. Malaysia is a pertinent jurisdiction to explore such challenges given its global focus, colonial history and inst…
This book addresses theoretical problems concerning legal evidence. The concept of evidence is expected to fulfill a number of distinct roles in science and philosophy, but also in legal theory and…
The County Lines phenomenon has become one of the most significant drug market developments in the UK over recent years. This book analyses how it is being responded to by the police in affected pr…